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wikiParser quickref
This guide explains the whole wikiparser syntax.
Block formating
they start with one or more equal signs = followed by your title.
ie === My beautiful header will render an h3 HTML header.
By default, they need a new line before and after them, but this can be fixed to your needs.
A paragraph is just a container with some non-blank lines of text inside. If you want to force a linebreak inside them, use \ at the end of the line.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Source Code
Source code is are special zones wich will be rendered verbatim. They start with a {{{ followed by optional spaces, and an optional langage-name, ending with }}} . For example:
{{{ fal for i in [1,2,3,"a","b","c"] > "i is now: ", i end }}}
will render the following:
for i in [1,2,3,"a","b","c"] > "i is now: ", i end
you can also highlight other langages, even if they are not worth studying once you know Falcon :)
Some other langages are supported, like C++ :
//: C07:Stash3.h // Function overloading #ifndef STASH3_H #define STASH3_H class Stash { int size; // Size of each space int quantity; // Number of storage spaces int next; // Next empty space // Dynamically allocated array of bytes: unsigned char* storage; void inflate(int increase); public: Stash(int size); // Zero quantity Stash(int size, int initQuantity); Stash(); int add(void* element); void* fetch(int index); int count(); }; #endif // STASH3_H ///:
Horizontal line
Just put 3 or more minus signs (dashes) - on a line.
Lists are composed of list items.
Enumerated lists
Lists contains list items. A list item starts with the * sign, followed by optional spaces and your text. A list item is ended when a new one starts. A list is ended when there's a newline.
List items can also be nested, * signs indicate the nesting level.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Green tea
- Black tea
- Milk
Numerated lists
A list item starts with the # sign, followed by optional spaces and your text. A list item is ended when a new one starts. A list is ended when there's a newline.
List items can also be nested, # signs indicate the nesting level.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Green tea
- Black tea
- Milk
Table Of Contents
Just write ... optionaly followed by some spaces and the word TOC.
You already got it at the top of the page.
Write like this:
|=Column1|=Column2|=Column3|=Column4| |Cell 1.1|Cell 1.2|Cell 1.3|Cell 1.4| |Cell 2.1|Cell 2.2|Cell 2.3|Cell 2.4| |Cell 3.1|Cell 3.2|Cell 3.3|Cell 3.4|
Let's see if they're working fine :
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 |
Cell 1.1 | Cell 1.2 | Cell 1.3 | Cell 1.4 |
Cell 2.1 | Cell 2.2 | Cell 2.3 | Cell 2.4 |
Cell 3.1 | Cell 3.2 | Cell 3.3 | Cell 3.4 |
Multipages document
You can even have a main document containing other pages. Inside the main page, ie "" use {{pages:one,two,three}} and inside the other pages ("", "", "") use {{toppage:main}}
Inline formatting
Inside each paragraph or list, you can use inline rules.
Thoses rules can be mixed, and may expend on several lines.
Use the tilde char "~" to escape an inline rule, and write two tildes signs to obtain one.
Like this : **bolded text**
Like this : bolded text
Like this : //italic text// (note that it is not recommanded end a line with italic markup, as it may be interpreted as a line break.)
italic text
Like this : __underlined text__
Like this : underlined text
Like this : --stroked text--
Like this : stroked text
Sup and Sub text
Like this : sup^^text^^ or sub..text..
Like this : suptext or subtext
Like this : {{monospaced text}}
Like this : monospaced text
Link to other pages in the same wiki
Like this: [Another page] Or like this: [Another page|Aliased]
Like this: Another page Or like this: Aliased
Like this : [[|FalconPL]]
Like this : FalconPL
Like this : [[im||center|Falcon logo]]
Like this :
Like this : [~Falcon is GREAT~]
Like this :
Falcon is GREAT